Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
Our mission is to simplify code for everyone. A world where everyone, from individual developers to giant teams, enjoys working with clean, well-designed, easy to read and extend code. We must simplify existing code, teach people what simple code is, and guide them to effortlessly write it.
Code is simple when it works perfectly, can easily be understood and extended by anyone, and contains no accidental complexity. It is a joy to work with simple code as nothing gets in the way of translating ideas into reality.
Imagine what it would be like if everyone wrote simple code. Developers would be happier, teams would be way more productive, and users would get the best software in the shortest possible time.
Sourcery is an automated pair programmer that suggests refactorings to developers in real-time. We also automate the start of the code review process, leading to fewer bugs, greater velocity, and happier teams.